
Established 2021



The Shadow Wood Little Free Library 

Charter # 104546

26765 Shadow Wood Drive Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275

“I have lived a thousand lives, and I have loved a thousand loves. I have walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. Because I read.” - George RR Martin

Literature lovers rejoice! 

My dream is realized as The Shadow Wood Little Free Library officially opens for book sharing. Facing the sidewalk, welcoming all who pass by, The Shadow Wood Little Free Library is located at the tip of my quiet cul de sac, in the serene seaside city on ‘the hill’ that my family and I have called home for nearly 30 years

My delightful, neighborhood book sharing box joins the worldwide movement of over 100,000 little free libraries, to share books, bring people together and create communities of readers. One of the most exciting things for me is our official place on the world. map. Check it out and visit other little free libraries all around the world.

My husband built the library for me last summer. After almost a year of challenges with permissions and regulations surrounding the installation, I am grateful to our friend Raul who came up with the unique mailbox library design and to my husband Mark for supporting my crazy book dreams.

If you build it, I said to him in early 2020, they will come. 

I hope he’s right. Welcome Readers.

Raul Navarro South Bay Masonry and Hardscapes

Raul Navarro South Bay Masonry and Hardscapes

Coming together

Coming together

Beautiful and the perfect fit within city and neighborhood guidelines

Beautiful and the perfect fit within city and neighborhood guidelines

Chewy is the first patron!

Chewy is the first patron!

Sir Chewy * Vicious Library Guard Dog

Sir Chewy * Vicious Library Guard Dog

Melani Morose Morose